Teachers Awards and Recognition

Details of the Teachers receiving awards and recognition

Name of the Teacher Name of the School Academic Year  Award/Recognition Link for relevant document
Professor Dr, A.I. Shaikh School of Social Sciences  2014-15 Nehru International Educational Award 2014  
Dr. S. D. Deosarkar School of Chemical Sciences 2014-15 BoS member, Shahu College, Latur


Prof. R. S. Khairnar School of Physical Sciences  2014-15 Visiting professor, University of Maribore, Slovania


Prof. M. K. Patil School of Physical Sciences 2014-15 1. Asspciate Member, Commitee on Space Research (COSPAR), Paris, France


2. Member, Users’ Committee, IUCAA, Pune;  
3. Visiting Associate, IUCAA, Pune;   
Dr. Ghanshyam Yelne School of Social Sciences 2014-15 1. Vidharbha Ratna Purskar by  Vidharbha Bhavsar Sanghatan Nagpur  
2. Nominated Member Board of Studies in Social Work by North Maharashtra University, Jalagaon.  
3.Nominated Member of Research Recognition Committee in Social Work by Sant Gadage Baba Amrav  
Dr. S. K. Singh School of Educational Sciences  2014-15 Sports Scientist award-2015, Patana -
Prof. D.M. Khandare School of Commerce and Management Sciences  2014-15 1.Outstanding Research Presentation at International Conference at Dept. of Commerce, Dr. BAM University, Aurangabad on 23 – 25 Jan., 2015.  
2.  Awarded “Outstanding Contribution to the Quality of Research Paper” Indian Banking Sector in Globalized Era: A   
Dr. Sachin Narangale  School of Media Studies 2014-15 Reviwer of Journal Document
Dr. B. Surendranath Reddy School of Mathematical Sciences 2014-15 Member, BOS Mathematics, Solapur University, Solapur Document 
Dr. G.B. Zore School of Life Sciences 2014-15 Raman Post Doctoral Fellowship in USA  
Mr. Vasant Wagh School of Earth Sciences 2014-15 Appointment Letter of Reviewer  
Dr. Deepak Shinde  School of Media Studies 2014-15 1. Best Professor Teaching Advertising Management
2.Member of Ad hoc BOS- Dr.BAM University, Aurangabad  
Dr S C Dhawale School of Chemical Sciences  2014-15 Expert / Inspector Pharmacy Council of India New Delhi Document
Dr.Pramod Patil Sub-Centre, Latur 2014-15 Second Prize in State level Avishkar Competition  Document
Dr. Prithviraj Taur School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2014-15 “Best Poetry Collection Award” for ‘Gavani Sharachya Madhomadh’ December, 2014  
Dr. Hanumanth Patil Sub-Centre, Latur 2014-15 Best Paper Award at National Conference in Dayanand College of Commerce Latur on “A Paradigm Shift in Indian Business Environment” Document 
Dr. Nitin Shridhar Darkunde School of Mathematical Sciences 2014-15 Best Paper Presentation Award,
 International Conference, Pravaranagar
Dr. A. A. Muley School of Mathematical Sciences 2014-15 Member, BOS, RSM Latur, Member, BOS Statistics, Solapur University, Solapur

1. Document

2. Document 

Dr. V.T. Humbe Sub-Centre, Latur 2015-16 Erasmus Mundus Faculty mobility Fellowship by Uropean Union Document 
Dr. A. V. Jaybhaye Sub-Centre, Latur  2015-16 Award of First Prize in participated and presented the research project at TH level under category of Humanities, Languages and Fine Arts, on the eve of 10 th Maharashtra State Inter University Research Convention ‘‘AVISHKAR-2015’’ Organised by Savitribai  
Prof. R. S. Mane School of Physical Sciences  2015-16 Visiting Professor, Hanyang University, Korea Document 
Dr. B. S. Dawane School of Chemical Sciences 2015-16 Ideal Teacher Award Document 
Prof. M. K. Patil School of Physical Sciences  2015-16 Member, International Science Discussion Team (ISDT) of Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), Hawai (USA) Document 
Dr. S. K. Singh School of Educational Sciences  2015-16 2016- Best Teacher Award  
Dr, A.I. Shaikh School of Social Sciences  2015-16 Dr. Panjabrao Deshamukh National Memorial Award - International Human Rights Justice Federation  
Prof. R. S. Khairnar School of Physical Sciences  2015-16 Visiting Professor University of Maribor, Slovenia  
Dr. Prithviraj Taur School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2015-16 1.“Reverent Nana Tilak Literary Award” for ‘Gav ani Sharachya Madhomadh’ , August, 2015
2. Suphi-Saint Shaikh Mohammad Utkrushta Marathi Sahitya Puruskar, for ‘Gav ani Sharachya Madhomadh’ February, 2016
Dr. Deepak Shinde  School of Media Studies  2015-16 Member of Mudra Yojana Samiti , Collector office, Nanded Document 
Dr B S Surwase School of Commerce and Management 2015-16 BEST Teachers Award  
Dr. S.P. Shrikhande   2015-16 Member of BOS –Rajarshi Shahu Mahvidyalaya,Latur (Autonomous) Document
Dr. Yogini Satarkar School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies 2015-16 1.“Rajyastariy Sahitya Sadhana Puraskar ”,
2. “Chala Kavitechya Banat ” Sahitya, Samajik ani Shaikshanik Chalwal, Udgir,  27th September 2015,
3. “Kaviwarya Narayan Surve Sahity Puraskar ”, Padmashree Kaviwarya Narayan Surve Wachanalaya , Nasik  16th Oc
Dr. V.T. Humbe Sub-Centre, Latur  2015-16 BOS Solapur University Solapur Document
Dr. Pawar Vitthal School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies 2015-16 स्व. सूर्यकांतादेवीरामचंद्रजी पोटे राज्यस्तरीय वाङ्मय पुरस्कार, २0१६.  
Dr. Vaijnath Anmulwad School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2015-16 “Paramganga Rajyastariy Sahitya Puruskar”  
Dr. Rajesh S. Shinde Sub-Centre, Latur  2015-16 UGC Research Award Document
Dr. R. H. Tale School of Chemical Sciences  2015-16 1.Editorial board member,  Herald Journal of Modern Chemical Sciences, 1. Document 
2.Editorial board member,  Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry, 2. Document
3.Editorial board member,  Jacobs Journal of Structural Chemistry, 3. Document
4. BoS member, Shahu College, Latur 4. Document
Dr. S. D. Deosarkar School of Chemical Sciences  2015-16 Reviewer of the Journal
Journal of Taibah University for Sciences, IF 1.64
Dr. Baburao Jadhav   2016-17 Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Best Research paper-Marathi Samajshastra Parishad, Aurangabad  
Dr. Rupali S. Jain School of Mathematical Sciences 2016-17 Reviewer, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics Document
Dr. Deepak Shinde    2016-17  Member of Task Committee – RTM Univeristy, Nagpur Document 
Dr. Ghanshyam Yelne School of Social Sciences 2016-17 Marathwada Ratna Purskar by  Chhava Sanghatan Maharashtra  
Dr. O. S. Yemul School of Chemical Sciences  2016-17 Reviewer of the Journal Polymer Bullatin, SPRINGER, IF 1.86 Document
Dr. Nitin Shridhar Darkunde  School of Mathematical Sciences   2016-17  1) Research paper Award at State Level Seminar conducted at Dada Patil Rajale College, Adinathnagar, Tal: Pathardi, Dist: Ahmednagar,  1. Document
2) BoS member Mathematics, Rajarshi Shahu College, Latur. 2. Document
S.K.G. Krishnamacharyulu School of Earth Sciences  2016-17 PACE Award, The Netherlands  
Usha Sarode School of Social Sciences 2016-17 The GLORY OF INDIA AWARD – 2017- Best Citizen Publishing house, New Delhi  
Prof. M. K. Patil School of Physical Sciences 2016-17 Visiting Associateship at IUCAA, Pune Document 
Prof. R.M. Mulani School of Life Sciences 2016-17 Fellow of the Indian Association for Angiosperm Taxonomy  
Prof. D.M. Khandare School of Commerce and Management Sciences  2016-17 Awarded “Marathwada Ratna Puraskar 2017” by Chawa Maratha Yuva Saghtana Maharashtra 2017.  
Dr. Sambhaji V. Mane  - 2016-17 BOS Member at Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalay, Latur Document
Dr. Rajendra Gonarkar  School of Media Studies   2016-17  1. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Sahitya Puraskar. 1. Document 
2. Ambedkarwadi Sahitya Puraskar  2. Document
Prof. R. S. Mane  School of Physical Sciences   2016-17  Visiting Professor at University of Tokoyo, Japan, 1. Document 
Visiting Professor at SGGSIET, Nanded 2. Document
Mr. Vasant Wagh School of Earth Sciences 2016-17 A letter from Horizon Research Publishing to editorial Board  
Dr. C. R. Baviskar School of Educational Sciences  2016-17 1.Prof.V.N. Patankar award (Pune),
2.Mentor for Open Education for Better World Project of UNESCO chair on Open TEchnologies for OER & OL
3.BOS Member Kolhapur ( B.Ed Integrated ),
4.BoS Member SGBAU, Amaravati,   
Dr. S. D. Deosarkar School of Chemical Sciences  2016-17 BoS member, Shahu College, Latur Document 
Dr. Hanumanth Patil Sub-Centre, Latur  2016-17 BOS Member at Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyalay, Latur Document 
Dr. S. S. Makone School of Chemical Sciences  2016-17 BoS member, Shahu College, Latur, Academic counsil member, SGGS Institute of engineering anf Technology Document 
Dr. S.Y.Patil School of Educational Sciences  2016-17 RRC Member Solapur University   
Dr. S.P. Shrikhande   2016-17 Member of BOS –Rajarshi Shahu Mahvidyalaya,Latur (Autonomous) Document 
Mr. Vasant Wagh School of Earth Sciences  2016-17 Applied Water Science: Appointment Letter to Reviewers  
Dr. Yogini Satarkar School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2016-17 1. Vishakha Award- 2016” (First) Y.C.M.O.University and Kusumagraj Pratishthan, Nasik ,  26th February 2017,
2. Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Rajyastariy Puraskar” ,Vinodini Atmaram Jadhav Foundation, Vengurle,  28th January 2017,
3.Wasantrao Dandale Smr
Dr. Pawar Vitthal School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2016-17 शैक्षणिक पुरस्कार ,२०१७, कवी देवानांद गोरडे काव्य पुरस्कार , २०१७, गदिमा साहित्य पुरस्कार, २०१७, रत्नाकर काव्य पुरस्कार, २०१७.  
Dr. Keshav Deshmukh School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2016-17 शिक्षणमहर्षी वसंतराव काळे पुरस्कार १३ ऑगस्ट १६  
Dr. Pramod H. Patil Sub-Centre, Latur  2016-17 Best paper Award in International Conference by MGM’s Institute of Management Studies & Research , Navi-Mumbai on Global Transformation through Social Entrepreneurship Document 
Dr. V.T. Humbe Sub-Centre, Latur 2016-17 Erasmus Mundus Faculty mobility Fellowship by Uropean Union 1.Document 
Member of BOS –Rajarshi Shahu Mahvidyalaya,Latur (Autonomous) 2.Document
Member of BOS – Solapur University Solapur 3.Document
Dr. Sachin Narangale School of Media Studies  2016-17 Certificate of merit in international conference 2016-2017 Document
Dr. A. A. Muley School of Mathematical Sciences  2016-17 Member, BOS, RSM Latur Document 
Dr. B. S. Dawane School of Chemical Sciences 2017-18 Nomination on member of college development committee Document
Dr. O. S. Yemul School of Chemical Sciences 2017-18 1.Reviewer of the Journal, Industrial Crop and Products, ELSEVIER, IF 4.19,


2.Reviewer of the Journal Polymer Bullatin, SPRINGER, IF 1.86,


3. Reviewer of the Journal  eXPRESS Polymer Letters IF 2.86


Dr. R. H. Tale School of Chemical Sciences 2017-18 1. Editorial Board Member
 Current Analysis on Chemistry, 2. Reviewer of the Journal
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (2) IF 2.18
Dr. S. S. Makone School of Chemical Sciences 2017-18 BoS member, Shahu College, Latur Document 
Dr. S. D. Deosarkar   School of Chemical Sciences   2017-18   1.Reviewer of the Journal
Journal of Journal of Molecular liquids (ELSEVIER, IF=4.6),  
2. Reviewer of the Journal
Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B (SPRINGER, IF=0.5),
3. BoS member, Shahu College, Latur 3.Document
Dr. D. D. Pawar School of Mathematical Sciences  2017-18 Reviewer, Indian Journal of Physics (Springer) Document
Dr.Pramod Lonarkar   2017-18 Dr.Amartya Sen Award for Best Research Paper- By Marathi Arthshastra Parishad, Aurangabad  
Dr S S Pekamwar   2017-18 Member, RR Committee, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Document 
Dr. Rupali S. Jain School of Mathematical Sciences 2017-18 Reviewer, IFAC  Journal of Systems and Control(Elsevier) Document
Dr. Usha K. Sangale School of Mathematical Sciences  2017-18 Best Research Paper Award, IMS-2017 Document 
Dr. B. Surendranath Reddy School of Mathematical Sciences  2017-18 Best Paper Award, NCPAM-2018 Document 
Dr. Bogle K. A. School of Earth Sciences 2017-18 National Scholarship  programme of Slovakian Government Document
Prof. M. K. Patil School of Physical Sciences  2017-18 Member, LIGO-India EPO (Laser Interferometer Based Gravitational Wave Detection Observatory), an international project in collaboration with USA Document 
Prof. R. S. Mane School of Physical Sciences  2017-18 Visiting Professor, Pusan National University, Korea Document 
Dr. S.Y.Patil School of Educational Sciences 2017-18 RRC Member Solapur University. -
Dr. Baburao Jadhav - 2017-18 Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Best Research paper-Marathi Samajshastra Parishad, Aurangabad  
Prof. R. S. Khairnar School of Physical Sciences 2017-18 Visiting Professor University of Cominious, Slovakia Document 
Dr. Yogini Satarkar School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2017-18 Lokpatra Sahitya Sanmaan”- 2018 by Lokpatra Newspaper., 2. Honaji Bapu Smruti Rajyastariy Sahitya Puraskaar”, pathardi , 2nd July 2017  
Dr. V.T. Humbe Sub-Centre, Latur  2017-18 Member of BOS – Solapur University Solapur,  1.Document
2. Member of BOS – RSM Autonomus College, Latur, 2.Document
3.Member of BOS – Vivekanand Autononus College Kolhapur  3.Document
Dr B S Surwasre School of Commerce and Management 2017-18 A Member of BOS in Botany and A Member of RRC in Boatny, Solapur University, Solapur, A member of Doctoral Research Committee, YCM University, Nashik. RRC Member in Biotechnology of SRTM University  
Dr. Parag Khadke - 2017-18 Member of Board of Studies in Geography & Applied Geography, SRTM University Nanded  
Dr. C. R. Baviskar School of Educational Sciences  2017-18 1.Curriculam development & Application board member, HRDC,SPPU Pune,
2. Course Restructure Committee member YCMU. Nashik
Dr. Sarode Arvind V. School of Physical Sciences 2017-18 Reviewer: 1. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids,2.  Polymer Bulletin  
Dr. Prithviraj Taur School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2017-18 Swatantra Sainik Shahir Narayanrao Mirge Kavya Puruskar” for ‘Kavitajali’ May, 2018  
Dr. Pawar Vitthal School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2017-18 Yeshwanthrao Chavan Poetry Award 2018  
Prof. D.M. Khandare School of Commerce and Management Sciences  2017-18 Awarded “Samaj Bhushan Purashkar”by Rastriya Charmakar Vikas Mahashange,Nanded(Maharashtra) on 22 April, 2018.  
 Dr. V. N. Patil School of Educational Sciences 2017-18 1.Shankarraoji chavan gururatan puraskar -2018,
2. RRC Member SPP Uni. Pune,
3.RRC Member BAMU University, Aurangabad,
4.RRC Member Solapur University.
Dr. R. V. Pinjari School of Chemical Sciences 2017-18 Reviewer Chemical Physics, ELSEVIER IF 1.82, 2. Reviewer Materials Today proceedings, ELSEVIER



 Dr. S. K. Singh School of Educational Sciences 2017-18 1.Young Innovative research award-2018, Delhi.
2. RRC Member BAMU, Aurangabad,
3. Editor of PEFI journal
Dr. Shailaja B. Wadikar School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2017-18 Marathwada Bhumikanya Bhushan Puraskar   
Dr. Deepak Shinde  School of Media Studies  2017-18 1.Member of Task Committee – RTM Univeristy, Nagpur ,   1,Document
2. Member of BOS- Shivaji University 2.Document
Prof. V.N. Laturkar School of Commerce and Management Sciences 2017-18 Ideal Teacher Award (Utkrusht Shikshak Puraskar) 2017-18  
Dr. Keshav Deshmukh School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2017-18 Urmi Sahitya Award-2018   
Dr. Bhagwan S. Jadhav School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2017-18 Ideal Teacher Award (Utkrusht Shikshak Puraskar) 2017-18  
Dr. G. K. Chaitanya School of Chemical Sciences 2018-19 Associate Editor SRTM university research journal of science Document 
Dr. K. Vijaya Kumar School of Earth Sciences  2018-19 1.Best Teacher Award- Indian National Science Academy (INSA)
2. IGSI Radhakrishan Prize-2019
Dr. R. H. Tale School of Chemical Sciences 2018-19 1.Editorial board member
 Science Journal of Chemistry, 
2. Reviewer of the Journal
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India, Section-B
Biological Sciences. IF 0.4,3.Document
3. Reviewer of the Journal Medicinal Chemistry Bentham Science Publisher IF 2.  
Dr. O. S. Yemul School of Chemical Sciences 2018-19 Reviewer of the Journal
Green Materials, IF 1.1
Dr. S. S. Makone School of Chemical Sciences 2018-19 Nomination on Marathi Vishavkosh Document 
Dr. Nitin Shridhar Darkunde School of Mathematical Sciences  2018-19 1.State Co-ordinator, VVM(Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan), Joint ventue of NCERT, and Vigyan Prasar(An autonomous organization of DST, New Delhi.)  1.Document
2.Certificate of appreciation for Top Performing Mentor(Certifcate issued by IIT, Madras) for SWAYAM-NPTEL online  2.Document
Dr. D. D. Pawar School of Mathematical Sciences  2018-19 1. Member, BOS, SP Pune University, Pune,  1.Document
2.Member, BOS, KBCNM University, Jalgaon 2.Document
Dr. S. D. Deosarkar School of Chemical Sciences 2018-19 1.Reviewer of the Journal
Journal of Chemical Engineering and Data(American Chemical Society) IF 2.29, 
2. BoS member, Shahu College, Latur 2.Document
Dr. Rupali S. Jain School of Mathematical Sciences  2018-19 1.Reviewer, Advances in Difference Equations (Springer), 1.Document 
2. Reviewer, Malaya Journal of  Mathematik  
Dr S S Pekamwar School of Pharmacy  2018-19 1.Best Paper award by IPA, New Delhi,
2. Expert/ Inspector Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi
Dr. Mudholkar G.P. School of Commerce and Management 2018-19 Awarded “Outstanding Research Paper” at International Conference at Dept. of Commerce, University of Mumbai, Mumbai on 04 to 05 Oct. 2018  
Prof. M. K. Patil    School of Physical Sciences     2018-19    1.Member, Proposer for 12m National Large Optical Telescope Observatory (NLOT),   
2.Chairman, Board of Studies in Physics, 2.Document
3.Member, Academic Council of S.R.T.M. University,  3.Document
4. Member, Management Council of S.R.T.M. University 4.Document
Prof. A. C. Kumbharkhane School of Physical Sciences  2018-19 Golden Jublee lecture in Indian Science Congress held at Loverly Professional University, Jalander Document 
Prof. D.M. Khandare School of Commerce and Management Sciences  2018-19 Awarded “Best Teacher (University Campus)-2018-19” by SRTM University, Nanded, on 12/11/2018  
Dr. A. L. Puyad School of Chemical Sciences  2018-19 BoS member, Shahu College, Latur Document 
Dr. Dipak B. Panaskar School of Earth Sciences 2018-19 1. Award of Rashtrapita Mahatma Gandhi State Level vysan Mukti seva Purskar by Government of MaharashtraIndian
2. Society of Applied Geochemestry (ISAG)- Award for the best contribution in field of hydrology, EnvironmenatalGeochemestry
Dr. Keshav Deshmukh School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2018-19 Sushil Kumar Shinde Award-2018  
Prof. R. S. Mane School of Physical Sciences  2018-19 1.Visiting Professor Pusan National University, Korea,  1.Document 
2.Academic council member, Rajshree Sahoo College, Latur,  2.Document
3.BOS member of Photonics, Rajshree Sahoo College, Latur, 3.Document
4.Member board of Incubation SRTMUM 4.Document
Prof. V.N. Laturkar School of Commerce and Management  2018-19 Fulbright fellow of 2018-2019 for Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Seminar (IEAS) at USIEF, USA  
Dr. Pawar Vitthal School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2018-19 Late Tatyaraoji More State Level Poetry Award-2019  
Prof. S. P. Chawan School of Life Sciences 2018-19 Selection for 39- Indian Scientific Expedition to Antarctica, NCPOR, Ministry of Earth Sciences  
Dr. Kamble Laxmikant Haribhau School of Life Sciences  2018-19 BOS Member in Biotechnology, Genetics, Bioinformatics and BOS member Bioinformatics, Biotehcnology and Food Science SRTMU  
Dr. G. K. Chaitanya School of Chemical Sciences 2018-19 Research Fellowship, University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia  
Dr B S Surwase School of Commerce and Management  2018-19 BOS Member in Botany, Chairman of BOS in Botany, A Member of RRC  
Dr.Nandkumar Baburao Bodhgire  2018-19 BOS Member in Economics, SRTMU Nanded  
Dr. Parag Bhalchandra School of Computational Sciences  2018-19 BOS, Member, Dr.B.A.M.University, Aurangabad  
Dr. Vasant Wagh School of Earth Sciences  2018-19 Horizon Research Publishing: Appointment Letter to Reviewers,
Current Nutrition and Food :Appointment Letter asReviewers
Desalination and Water Treatment - Invitation to review REVISED Manuscript ID-TDWT-Appointment Letter asReviewers
Desalination and Wat
Dr. V.T. Humbe Sub-Centre, Latur 2018-19 Member of BOS – Vivekanand Autononus College Kolhapur  Document 
Dr. Prithviraj Taur School of Language, Literature and Cultural Studies  2018-19 1.Rupali Dudhagaonkar Puruskar “ for ‘Vasudev Kutumb Granth’ October, 2018, 2.Dhondiram Mane Lekhan Puruskar” for ‘Vasudev Kutumb Granth’ January 2019, 3.Manorama Multistate Sahitya Puruskar” for ‘SahityaKaran’ December, 2018, 4.Prasadban Granth Gaurav Pu  
Dr S J Wadher School of Pharmacy  2018-19 Member, BOS, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune Document 
Dr. Hanumanth S. Patil Sub-Centre, Latur  2018-19 BOS member for Tuljaram Chaturchand College , Baramati Document 
Dr. Rajendra Gonarkar School of Media Studies 2018-19 Member of BOS –Rajarshi Shahu Mahvidyalaya,Latur (Autonomous) Document
Dr. Suhas Pathak  School of Media Studies  2018-19 Member of BOS –Moolji Jaitha College(Autonomous), Jalgaon Document 
Dr. S. K. Singh School of Educational Sciences  2018-19 RRC Member BAMU, Aurangabad.  
Dr. V. N. Patil School of Educational Sciences  2018-19 1.PG Board Committee, Kolhapur, 2. RRC Member SPP Uni. Pune, 3.RRC Member BAMU University, Aurangabad., 4.RRC Member Solapur University.  
Dr. Parag Bhalchandra School of Computational Sciences   2018-19 BOS, Member, Dr.B.A.M.University, Aurangabad Document
Dr. Ghanshyam Yelne School of Social Sciences 2018-19 1.Nominated Member Board of Studies in Social Work by Gondawana University, Gadchiroli, 2. Nominated Member Board of Studies in Social Work by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad.  
Dr. Avinash Kadam School of Earth Sciences 2018-19 Member of Board of Studies in Geography at Tukaram Charturchand College of Art Science and Commerce Baramati  

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