Dr. Vasant Madhav Wagh Assistant Professor School of Earth Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1) Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vasant_Wagh3 2) orcid.org/0000-0002-1815-3625 3) Google scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations? user=jOU6WB0AAAAJ&hl=en 4) Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57190949172 5) Web of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/1226345/vasant- madhav-wagh
Personal & Academic Information: |
Date of Birth: |
02-Jun-78 |
Qualification: |
B.Sc (2000). Zoology, University of Pune. M.Sc (2003). Environmental Science, University of Pune. SET (2005). Environmental Science, University of Pune, Ph.D. (2017). Environmental Science, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded |
Specialization: |
Environmental Science |
Teaching Experience: |
UG: 02 |
PG: 14 |
Courses taught till date |
M.Sc. Environmental science:- Environmental chemistry, Solid Waste management, Air and water pollution, Noise pollution, Air pollution and climate change, Disaster management, Physical Environment and Ecology, EIA, Environmental Analytical Techniques, Soil pollution etc,. M.Sc. Geology:- Disaster Management
Summary of Academic Career: |
I have worked as a teacher, researcher and academic administrator in a professional career of 15 years. After joining the Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, as an assistant professor in the School of Earth Sciences (January 2009 to till date ). Also, I have been worked as a Research Associate in the Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune, India for the period of 2007 – 09. As a research associate, I was engaged in the departmental research project, research and teaching activities. I have completed master degree in Environmental Science from Department of Environmental Science, University of Pune in the year 2003. I have carried out my doctoral research on the topic “Assessment of Groundwater Geochemistry with special reference to impact of intensive agricultural practices from part of Kadava River Basin, District Nashik, Maharashtra.” During my doctoral work, I have performed several field surveys in the study area and laboratory analysis of groundwater and soil samples. I have research experience in the field of hydrology and published 43 research articles in national and international peer reviewed journals and 5 book chapters. Also, I have presented my work in 22 national and 2 international conferences/seminars. I am a life member of Indian Science Congress Association, Current science Journal. In addition, throughout my academic carrier, I have delivered several guest lectures, public talks and worked as an expert in science competition at regional and state levels. Moreover, I have collaborated for research with National and International Universities and Institutions like Savitribai Phule, Pune University, RTM University, Nangpur, Basin Planning, Central Water Commission (CWC), New Delhi, Chang’an University, Yanta Road, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China, Clearwater Group, Tewksbury Avenue, Pt. Richmond, California, USA, Operation Unite, Wings of Morning Drive, Nevada City, California, USA etc., to more focused on current issues in hydrochemistry, groundwater contamination transport, health related risk etc.
Thrust Areas of Research: |
Hydrogeochemistry; fluoride and nitrate pollution; surface water–groundwater interaction; Groundwater Contamination etc |
Research Publications: |
SCI : 43 |
SCOPUS : 22 |
Web of Science : 30 |
UGC : 40 |
Conference Proceedings : 06 |
Citations: |
SCOPUS : 310 Google Scholar : 651 Web of Science : 247 Researchgate: 575 |
i-10 index: |
23 |
Paper Presentations: |
22 |
Books: |
Books : 01 |
Research Projects: |
Major research project completed: 01
- “Assessment of groundwater quality with special reference to impact of agricultural practices from Nanded Tehsil, District Nanded, Maharashtra” funded by UGC w.e.f. 1st July 2012, Sanctioned Amount: Rs 12, 20, 800; (Co-Investigator).
Minor research project completed : 03
1) “Development of Alternative Approach towards the Disaster Mitigation in Society” funded by Extension Activities Scheme under the UGC XII Plan w.e.f. 4th July 2014, Sanctioned Amount is Rs 4, 00,000; (Principal Investigator).
2) “Environmental Education and Awareness Programmes in Educational Institutes in Nanded and Adjoining Area” funded by Extention Activities Scheme under the UGC XII Plan w.e.f. 4th July 2014, Sanctioned Amount: Rs 3,70,000; (Co-Investigator).
3) Minor research project titled: “Impact of agricultural practice on groundwater quality of Nanded Tehsil, Marathwada” funded by SRTM University Nanded, Sanctioned Amount: Rs 60,000; (Principal Investigator) with reference 10/3873/dt; 25th March 2010, submitted to SRTM University.
Ongoing research project: 01
1) Identification of groundwater potential zones to enhance water quantity by suitable recharge structures in the Aundha Nagnath tahsil, district Hingoli, Maharashtra, India, Using Geospatial tools and AHP technique. Funded by Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology commission, Government of Maharashtra (RGSTC assistance for S & T). Sanctioned amount- 4 lakhs, duration 2 years (Ref: APDS/RGSTC/proposal-ASTA/2019-20/12) PI- Dr. Uday Sahu, CO-PI- Dr. Vasant Wagh |
Total Outlay : 24,50,800 |
Selected Publications: |
- Wagh, V. M., Panaskar, D. B., Jacobs, J. A., Mukate, S. V., Muley, A. A., & Kadam, A. K. (2019). Influence of Hydro-geochemical processes on groundwater quality through Geostatistical techniques in Kadava River Basin, Western India published in Arabian Journal of Geosciences. Vol. 12: 7. Issue 1. DOI: 10.1007/s12517-018-4136-8.(IF 1.32)
- Wagh, V. M., Panaskar, D. B., Mukate, S. V., Aamalawar, M. L., & Laxman Sahu, U. (2019). Nitrate associated health risks from groundwater of Kadava River Basin Nashik, Maharashtra, India. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 1-19. Taylor and Francis. (ID: 1528861 DOI:10.1080/10807039.2018.1528861), ISSN: 1549-7860. (IF 2.30)
- Mukate S. V., Wagh, V.M., Panaskar, D.B., Jacobs, J.A., Sawant A et al. (2019) Development of New Integrated Water Quality Index (IWQI) model to evaluate the Drinking Suitability of Water published in Ecological Indicator, Elsevier. Vol. 101, PP. 348-354. DOI. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.01.034. (IF 4.49)
- Kadam, A., Wagh, V., Patil, S., Umrikar, B., Sankhua, R., & Jacobs, J. (2021). Seasonal variation in groundwater quality and beneficial use for drinking, irrigation, and industrial purposes from Deccan Basaltic Region, Western India. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Springer, 1-23. (IF 2.79)
Resource Person: |
Invited Talks: |
International : 03 |
National : 08 |
State Level : 03 |
Guest Lectures: |
25 |
Chaired Sessions: |
05 |
Positions Held: |
Academics: |
- Coordinator: - Earn and Learn Scheme (School).
- Co-ordinator:- Certificate course in Industrial safety, Health and Environmental Management (ISHEM).
- Committee member in Research, Consultancy and Extension of NAAC Criteria 3
Administration: |
1) Co-ordinator :- Certificate course in Industrial safety, Health and Environmental Management (ISHEM) from 19/09/14.
2) Ex. Co-ordinator (2013 – 2015) :- Earn and Learn Scheme (University)
3) Coordinator :- Earn and Learn Scheme (School)
Honors /Awards received: |
1) Guest Editor for Frontier in Environmental Sciences (IF: 2.79) (Special Issue: Groundwater contamination through Nitrate and Heavy metals) https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/1037314/overview 2) Editorial board member of Horizon Research Publishing, USA. 3) Associate Editor of SRTMUN research journal of Science 4) Reviewer of many international journals of Springer, Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Willey etc. Also, reviewed more than 100 research papers.
Reviewer of International Journals 1. Applied water Science (Springer). 2. Arabian journal of Geosciences (Springer). 3. Desalination and water treatment (Taylor and Francis). 4. Environmental Science and pollution research (Springer). 5. Research Journal of Environmental Sciences. 6. Horizon Research Publishing, USA 7. Hydrospatial Analysis (Gatha Cognition) 8. Human and Ecological risk assessment (HERA) (Taylor and Francis). 9. Acta Geophysica (Springer). 10. Environmental Geochemistry and Health (Springer). 11. Rasayan Journal of chemistry 12. Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology (AQUA IWA Publishing). 13. International Journal of River Basin Management (Taylor and Francis). 14. SN Applied Sciences (Springer). 15. Environment development of sustainability (Springer). 16. Journal of Geosciences research (Springer). 17. Hydroresearch (Elsevier) 18. Journal of Geochemical Exploration (Elsevier). 19. Mediterranean Journal of Chemistry 20. Water Science and Engineering (Elsevier). 21. Environmental Earth Sciences (Springer) 22. Journal of Chemistry (Hindawi) 23. Revista Ambiente & Água (SciELO) 24. Water and Environment Journal (Willey) 25. Geofluids (Hindawi) 26. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (Springer) 27. Geomatics, Natural hazard and risk (Taylor and Francis) 28. Open Geosciences (Springer) 29. Environmental Research and Technology 30. Journal of Geographical Studies (Gatha Cognition) 31. Advances in Water Resources (IWA Publishing) 32. Environmental Quality Management (Willey) 33. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (Royal society of chemistry) 34. Groundwater for Sustainable Development (Elsevier) 35. Environmental monitoring and assessment (Springer) 36. International Journal of Environmental Analytical chemistry (Hindawi) 37. Journal of Environmental Management ( Elsevier) 38. Annals of GIS (Taylor and Francis) 39. Water and Environmental Journal (Willey) 40. Frontiers in Environmental Science
Programs organized/attended: |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Organized: |
10 |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Attended: |
45 |