Sub-Centre is a facilitating Unit
Sub-Centre;–the facilitating unit of SRTM University for affiliated colleges and students 

The primary objective of establishing a Sub-Centre of the university at Latur was to reduce the financial burden of the students and 140 affiliated colleges of Latur district alone to commute several times to university head quarters at Nanded for minor administrative and examination related issues/requirements by facilitating the same work through Sub-Centre.

After a fully fledged unit of Sub-Centre to facilitate the required work was developed and established, following services are rendered from here:

  • Receiving Applications with fees from students directly as well as from colleges for issue of Convocation Degree Certificates
  • Receiving Applications with fees from colleges regarding revaluation or providing photocopy of the University examination’s answer books
  • Receiving Applications with fees from colleges regarding verification of marks on the answer books of students
  • Receiving Applications with fees from students directly as well as from colleges related to correction of names/ subjects on Exam Hall tickets and on issued Mark sheets
  • Receiving Applications with fees from students directly as well as from colleges for correction in marks on issued Mark sheets if printed wrong
  • Distribution of Mark-memos packets to all the colleges of Latur district after publication of concerned result(s)
  • Supply of Examination related material (Answer books and stationeries) to all examination centers in Latur district
  • Organising CAPs for the subjects at the Sub-Centre as directed by COE
  • Receiving applications from reserved category students for enrolment of their names on data base for Employment services of the Govt.
  • Providing information to the seekers on telephone or in person regarding all activities of the university and Sub-Centre


The Sub-Centre ensures speedy delivery of these collected forms and other documents at the concerned sections of the university’s head quarters, Nanded. Similarly, endeavours are made each time for the quick communication to the concerned regarding the required issue(s)

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