Guest Lectures

1) Role of State Women’s Commission in Development and Protection of Women:

Mr. Arjun Dangat, a senior official of Maharashtra State Commission for Women, Govt. of Maharashtra delivered lecture on Role of State Women’s Commission in Development and Protection of Women. He presented elaborate provisions of Commission like Counselling and Free Legal Aid Cell, Monotoring and Evaluation Committee on social issues, and activities undertaken like Legal Literacy Camps, Networking with NGO’s, addressing issues such as, Violence, atrocities against women etc.

2) Domestic Violence and Family Counseling:

Mr. Madhav Dompale, an NGO activities and Coordinator and family counsellor of Maharash State Women’s Commission delivered a lecture on Domestic Violence and Family Counselling. In his view, deep rooted patriarchal domination, dowry, impact of liquor and lack of democratic family values constitute the main cause of domestic violence in rural society.

3)‘Women and Superstition’ (8th March 2014):

The Centre invited Dhanraj Hallare, to deliver special lecture on ‘Women and Superstition’ on the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8th March 2014. He talked about women’s suppression in every sphere of life; it has made women more vulnerable to superstitions. Women have to face many difficulties, obstructions, defeats, despair, violence, economic dependency on men. These difficulties turn women towards superstitions. He also interacted with participants. The Centre organised one-day workshop on ‘Protection against Sexual Harassment, 2013 and Gender Equality’ for female staff of the University to create awareness. Lata Bishe from Pune talked about Vishakha Judgement and subsequent amendments of 2013. Madhav Dompalle and Jyoti Sapkal also explained the Act in detail. Another speaker clarified the Amendments in Sexual Harassment Laws, 2013 to the participants. This workshop was organised in the collaboration with YASHADA, Pune.

4) Act against Sexual Harassment at Workplace, 2013 (6th January 2015):

To celebrate the birth anniversary of Savitribai Phule Women’s Studies Centre organized Guest Lecture on the Laws against Sexual Harassment at Workplace, 2013. Rajashri Sakale an activist from Kolhapur, who is also the founder the organisation Sharirbodh delivered the lecture on this occasion. In her lecture she talked about different forms of harassment women face at their Workplace.

5) Talk on ‘Mahatma Phule and Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar views on Women’s Liberation’ (1st and 2nd January 2016):

The centre organized two-days lecture series on Mahatma Phule and Women’s Liberation and Dr. Babashaheb Ambedkar and Women’s Liberation in collaboration with Dr. Ambedkar’s Chair and Study Centre of the University on 1 st and 2nd January 2016. The guest speakers for the occasion were Dr. Sangeeta Thosar, Assistant Professor from Women’s Studies Centre of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Dr. Pushpesh Kumar from the Department of Sociology, University of Hyderabad. Dr. Thosar in her lecture deliberated upon the views of Jyotiba Phule and Dr. Ambedkar with regard to patriarchy and gender.

6) Women and Health (12 January 2016):

To celebrate birth anniversary of Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule the Centre organised a guest lecture on Women and Health on 12 January 2016. Dr. Kishore Atnurkar an established gynecologist and practitioner was invited to deliver the lecture on Women and Health. He touched upon various issues related to health such as adolescent girls’ health, anemia among women, menstruation and women’s health, gynaecological problem, and, men and their sexual health and anxieties. He also spoke on problems faced by working women who are doubly burdened. These women ignore their health because they do not have time to spend as they are busy with either domestic chores or workplace burdens. He suggested male audience to support women in their respective in the latter’s household work. The speaker received a large number of questions from the audience leading to lengthy conversation on the above issues.

7) Women and Development (27 August 2016):

The centre organized Guest Lecture on Women and Development on 27 August 2016. Dr. Pushpesh Kumar, Associate Professor, from Department of Sociology Central University of Hyderabad was invited as Guest Speaker. He delivered lecture to students of both courses such as, Interdisciplinary Certificate Course in Women’s Studies and Postgraduate Diploma in Women’s Studies. He talked about the different debates pertaining to gender and development viz. Women in Development (WID), Women and Development (WAD), Gender and Development (WAD). He highlighted that women need to be integrated into development processes as active agents if efficient and effective development is to be achieved. The speaker received a good number of questions from the audience.

8) ‘Representation of Women in Media and Culture ’ (6th October 2016):

The women’s study Centre of this university invited Dr.Rajendra Gonarkar from School of Media Studies,S.R.T.M.University, to interact with the student on the topic ‘Representation of Women in Media and Culture’ on 6th October 2016. He opined that the powerful role of media as a tool for social change cannot be ignored. Media is not isolated from society. Due to its powerful influence; it not only strengthens pre-existing stereotypes but perpetuates new stereotypes as well. While steps to change women’s life situation are debated ,the portrayal of women in media particularly in soap operas and advertisement takes this backward .So ,media exist with this contradiction. This trend continuous despite the linear progression of the women’s movement .Media reinforces the popular notion that a women’s ultimate place is home and the most important and valuable asset of a women is physical beauty.

Special Lecture

9) Feminist Ideas in Economics (1st February 2018):

Women’s Studies Centre and School of Social Sciences SRTMUN, had jointly organized a Special Lecture on the topic “Feminist Ideas in Economics” on 01st February 2018. Prof. Wandana Sonalkar Eminent Feminist and Academician formerly Of the Advanced Centre For Women’s Studies, School Of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai came for the Special Lecture. She touched upon the many issues such as empowerment of women through inclusiveness in all kind of development work ,participation of women in agriculture and service sector .She also suggests women to give their participation making the different government plans which will directly affect them .She also highlighted gender gaps in different fields like education ,jobs ,and health sector and also gives some remedies on gender equity.

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