M.Phil. (Education / Physical Education) Admission
  • Admission to M.Phil. Programme in Education & Phy. Education is based on marks obtained in entrance test. Conducted by university.

  • Eligibility and Admission

    • 55% marks at Master’s degree in particular subject or grade B according to U.G.C norms of grading system in particular subject for open categories and 50% marks for reserved categories.

  • Distribution of seats:

    • 70% seats are reserved for the students from this university and 30% are reserved for the students from other universities. There would be over and above quota 20% for other state students.

  • Duration of the course:

    • The M. Phil. course is a full-time course spread over two academic years. First year is devoted to classroom lecturers and second year is devoted to documentation, laboratory work and preparation of dissertation, etc. Dissertation of the candidate will be accepted only after completion of the following requirements of the course:

      • Satisfactory attendance (75%)

      • Passing all the theory papers and

      • Presenting at-least one research paper at Regional / State / National level Conference / Seminar / Symposium.

      • A candidate must complete the entire course within a period of Two years from the date of registration.

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