List of Research Guides in the subject of Philosophy


Sr NAME OF THE GUIDE Designation P.G. Teacher College Name Research Center
1 Dr. Salunke Sunil Professor Y Dayanand, Latur M. B. College, Latur
2 Dr. Sayyed Khalil Assistant Professor Y Pt. Deendayal, Deoni M. B. College, Latur
3 Dr. Gore Sakharam Y. Assistant Professor Y G. Col. V.Nagar M. B. College, Latur
4 Dr. Khokale Sachin B. Associate Professor y ACS College, Gangakhed M. B. College, Latur
5 Dr. Kapure Rahul D. Assistant Professor y Rajarshi Shahu Col, PBN M. B. College, Latur
6 Dr. Uphade Gyandev Associate Professor Y B.R. Col, PBN M. B. College, Latur
7 Dr. Kirtankar Prabhakar R. Associate Professor Y S.S.S.p. Col, Purna M. B. College, Latur
8 Dr. Kamble Madhav Narhari Assistant Professor Y S.K.College, Jalkot M. B. College, Latur
9 Sr. Patil Sanjay Hanmantrao Associate Professor Y Degloor College, Degloor M. B. College, Latur
10 Dr. Belambe Ganesh Balaji Assistant Professor Y B.P.E.College, Udgir M. B. College, Latur
11 Dr. Ambatwar Vrishali Onkar Assistant Professor Y S.G.B.S. College, Purna M. B. College, Latur
12 Dr. Kulkarni Swati Nagorao Assistant Professor Y Sharda College, PBN M. B. College, Latur

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