Dr. Avinash Sopanrao Kadam

Dr. Avinash Sopanrao Kadam

Associate Profesor

School of Earth Sciences

S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:
Date of Birth: 05-Dec-74
Qualification: MA, PhD, PGDEM, LL.B, LL.M.
Specialization: Geography
Teaching Experience: UG: 05
  PG: 09
Courses taught till date

Geomorphology, Social and Cultural Geography,

Population Geography, Geography of Maharashtra,

Agricultural Geography, Geography of Marathwada, Cartography
Summary of Academic Career


Completed Post Graduate in 1997 from Department of Geography, University of Pune and admitted for doctoral research immediately which was secured on 10th of Dec 2002. Assessment of environmental impact of Population growth was the focal theme of my doctoral research. I have also completed Post Graduate 2 years Diploma on Environment Management in June 2003. For legal knowledge, I have took an admission for LL.B and LL.M from SRTM University, Nanded with prior permission and completed my legal education in June 2017.

Position Held:

1) Secretary General, Maharashtra Bhugol Shastra Parishad, Pune (June, 2000 to March, 2010)

2) Publisher & Executive Editor, MBSP Journal, Pune (5 years)

3) BOS, Sub-Committee Member, Bharati University, Pune

4) Warden, Boys’ Hostel, SRTM University, Nanded.

5) Coordinator, AVHAN-2019 (3rd June to 12th June 2019.

Present Positions:

1) Research Guide (Geography), SRTM University, Nanded

2) Co-ordinator, M.Phil. Geography, School of Earth Sciences

3) School Co-ordinator, One Teacher One Skill Programme

4) Chief Superintendent (CS), School Examinations

5) Programme Officer, NSS-SRTM University Campus Unit

6) Member, Centre for Competitive Exam & Skill Development

7) Editorial Board Member, Int. R. Journal of India

8) Member, Syllabus Committee, Dr. BAM University, Aurnagabad

9) Member, BOS Geography, SRTM University, Nanded.

Thrust Areas of Research:

• Agricultural Geography (Soil and Crop related studies)

• Water and Soil Conservation

• Applications in Remote Sensing and GIS

• Demographic Studies

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