संकुला विषयी
School of Technology


School of Technology was established in 2009. This School is the integral part of the University and is one of the favorite schools in the Sub-Centre. The School runs five courses viz. M. Sc. (Computer Science Integrated 5 yrs), M. Sc. (Computer Science 2 yrs), M.Sc. (Bioinformatics), M.Phil. (Computer Science) and Ph.D. (Computer Science). The School consists of well-equipped computer laboratories with internet facility and computing platforms, enabling the students to work with different latest software technologies. All the PG courses are presently under CBCS system and CGPA pattern.

The school of Technology has aimed to lead the region of south Marathwada by ensuring quality education and developing the students to the satisfaction and of the needs of individuals, industries and society at large.

The efforts of the School are directed to become the icon in the field of technological education, research and development. It also aims at building entrepreneurs in IT, Computer Science and Bioinformatics industries, which can provide the much needed inputs for the growth of the Nation.

This school is an autonomous school and operates through well defined rules and regulations, policies and procedure enacted by University, UGC, New Delhi and Government of Maharashtra.


Objectives of the Courses
  • To meet the man-power needs of IT Industry and Scientific Research organizations in Computer Science and Bioinformatics
  • Inculcating a desire for knowledge in the minds of the students of this region
  • To make the students aware of existing and new technological aspects
  • To handle the relevant IT solutions and software
  • To increase the understanding of biological processes
  • To develop communication skills
  • Gain a deeper understanding of Software Engineering principles
  • Overall Personality Development
Academic Activities

Students learn the courses and are evaluated by

  • Teaching methods in practice: Classroom teaching and use of ICT in teaching process
  • Attendance
  • Continuous Internal Evaluation
  • Personality Development Programmes
  • Seminar and Group Discussion
  • Completion of partial research based projects

Campus Interviews are arranged for the placement of students through placement cell of the Sub-Centre and of the university.


Faculty Improvement activities
  • Research guidance and Trainings
  • Institutional assignment completion
  • Participation Conferences and Seminars
  • Participation in Orientation and Refresher’s courses

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