- MBA CBCS Syllbus-2015-16 of SCL
- M.Phil. Management Science
- PGDDM CBCS syllabus 2015-16 of SCL
- M.Sc. CS CBCS Syallbus 2015-16 of SCL
- B.Sc + M.Sc. Integrated CS Syllabus
- M.Sc. Bioinformatics CBCS Syallbus 2015-16 of SCL
- M.Phil. Computer Science
- M.A. Economics CBCS Syllabus Sub-Centre, Latur
- MSW CBCS Syllabus Sub-Centre, Latur
- MA Sociology CBCS Syllabus Sub-Centre, Latur
स्वा.रा.ती.म. विद्यापीठाविषयी
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