Dr. Sambhaji V. Mane, Professor & Director School of Management Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University Nanded’s Sub center Peth, Ausa Road, Latur. Tq & District - Latur 413 531 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Personal & Academic Information: |
Date of Birth: |
16.03.1975 |
Qualification: |
B.Sc., MBA, M.Phil, Ph.D |
Specialization: |
Human Resource Management |
Teaching Experience: |
PG: 20 Years |
Courses taught till date: |
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Accounting, Performance Management System, Organizational Development, Compensation Management |
Summary of Academic Career: |
I did my MBA, MPhil & PhD from Shivaji University Kolhapur. I have been working with SRTMUN sub centre Latur since 2009.
I Love and enjoy Teaching Profession as we get chance to interact with young minds. I have learned many things as a teacher and try to learn new things.
Thrust Areas of Research: |
Human Resource Development, |
Research Publications: |
UGC : 03 |
Papers published in journals / e-journals : 18 |
Publication of Reference Book / Monograph / SLM : 12 |
Conference Proceedings : 10 |
Citations: |
Google Scholar : 09 |
i-10 index: |
02 |
Paper Presentations: |
22 [Inter National level- 11, National – 09 , State- 02 ] |
Selected Publications: |
- "Critical Study of Human Resource Development Practices in Kolhapur Zilha Dudh Sangh Ltd. Kolhapur” published in “ARS- Journal of Applied Research and Social Sciences”, A peer Reviewed and Refereed Fortnightly International Journal of International Society for Green, Sustainable Engineering and Management (ISGSGEM), Kolkata ; notified on UGC website; Vol.4, Issue No. 15, -32-42 , August 2017. ISSN: 2350-1472. General Impact factor 2.0081 (2016) ; Scientific Citation Indexing Impact factor 0.45 (2016)
- .“Current Trends in Performance Appraisal in Large Scale Industries of Private Sector in Ranjangao MIDC, Pune”, published in Indian Journal of Current Trends in Management Sciences, April 2012, Vol. V No. 1, pp.154-164; ISSN 0976-1845 [Co-Author A P Zende & 2]
- “HR Risk Management in Cooperative Sector Milk Processing Organizations in Western Maharashtra with special reference to Human Resource Development Practices” published in SFIMRAR, Research Review, 2011, Vol.6, Issue 2 18-23 ( Journal of Business Excellence, 2011, Vol. 2, Issue 1 ISSN: 0976-7711 & E-ISSN : 0976-772 )
- “A Study of Human Resource Development Practices in Selected Private Sector Milk Processing Organizations in Western Maharashtra”, Journal of Business Excellence, 2010, Vol. 1, PP 1-5 ISSN: 0976-7711 & E-ISSN : 0976-772X ; Impact factor: ICV:4.42
https://bioinfopublication.org/jouarticles.php? opt=&jouid=BPJ0000255&vol=1&iss=1
Research Guidance: |
Ph.D. : Awarded - 06 Registered - 01 |
M.Phil. : Awarded - 01 |
Research Projects: |
Attitude Study of University Employees in Marathwada and Western Maharashtra Region” |
Total Outlay : 0.40 lakhs |
Resource Person: |
Invited Talks: |
National : 08 |
State Level : 05 |
Guest Lectures: |
10 |
Chaired Sessions: |
07 |
Positions Held: |
Academics: |
A] Director, School of Management Sciences:
- Director, School of Management Sciences, sub centre Latur – 25th2019 to till date
- I/C Director, School of Management Sciences, sub centre Latur - July 2010 to July 2012
- HOD, in the Management subject, sub centre Latur - 3rd 2012 to 13th July 2012
B] Director, sub center Latur:
- I/C Director sub center, SRTM University, sub centre Latur - July 2010 to 16th Nov 2010
- I/C Director sub center, SRTM University, sub centre Latur 25th to 22th Sept. 2012
C] Head, Dept. of Management Studies, Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s SKNCOE, Vadgaonbk, Pune from July 2008 to 23rd February 2009 |
Honors /Awards received: |
Best Paper Presentation Award, NCPAM-2018 |
Programs organized/attended: |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc organised: |
14 |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc attended: |
35 |
Recognitions: |
- Member, BOS in Business Economics, SRTM University Nanded till Aug. 2022
- Paper setter/ Examiner/Advisor to the RPSC, Ajmer, Govt of Rajasthan
- Member, BOS in Business Studies, Rajarshi Shahu Mahavidyal Latur - 2016 to 2018
- Nominated as External Expert Member for ‘Academic and Administrative Audit’ of Yashwantrao Chavan School of Rural Dev., Shivaji University, Kolhapur -March 2018
- Nomination as AICTE expert for verification related special scholarship scheme for domicile of Jammu & Kashmir in DIEMS, A.bad & TKIET, W. nagar - April 2013
- Member, BOS, School of Management, SRTMUN Sub centre Latur - 2012 to 2014
- Chairman, Adhoc BOS, School of Management, SRTMUN Sub centre Latur
- Member, DTE Mumbai Committee – visit & inspect new proposals of education society for starting of MBA program with Joint Director, Aurangabad - April 2011
- Member, Research Allocation Committee in Management : Nov.2011 & 2010
- Recognition as Research guide, under the faculty of Management, of Symbiosis International (Deemed ) University, Pune
Other: |
- ‘Resource Person’ for – National Level Seminal; Entrepreneurship Skill Development Workshop; inauguration of one day workshop; Resource Person for PhD Course Work; Session Chair for HR Track in National Conference.
- External Referee for Ph.D., Observer for CBSE’s (online & offline) Exams.
- Resource Person to UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Business Management Teachers