Dr. Usha K Sangale

Dr Usha K Sangale
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematical Sciences
S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:  
Date of Birth: 03/07/1986
Qualification: M.Sc (Maths), SET, Ph.D, Post Doc (IMSc)
Specialization: Number Theory
Courses taught till date

Complex Analysis, Elementary Number Theory, Analytic Number Theory, Cryptography, Integral Equations and Transforms, Topology, Functional Analysis, Differential Equations, Graph Theory etc

Summary of Academic Career

I am working as Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematical Sciences, SRTM University, Nanded. Besides teaching mathematics, I am interested in research. My main area of interest is Analytic Number Theory especially the study of distribution of primes, zeros of the Riemann zeta- function, study of analytical properties of functions in the Selberg Class.
I have visited IMSc, Chennai couple of times and having research collaboration with number theorist at IMSc in individual level.

Teaching Experience: UG: 1.11
PG: 14
Thrust Areas of Research:

Analytic Number Theory

Research Publications:  UGC -CARE List and Scopus indexed: 07
Other: 01
Paper Presentations: 06
Selected Punlications:

1. A note on Hardy's theorem, Usha Sangale, Hardy Ramanujan Journal, Vol 39, 38-45.
2. A note on the gaps between zeros of Epstein's Zeta function on the critical line, Usha Sangale, Srinivas Kotyada and Stephan Baier, Functiones et Approximatio, Vol 57, No 2 (2017), 235-253

Resource Person:  
Invited Talks: 29
Guest Lectures: 04
Positions Held:  

1.Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai during June - 2018 to Sept - 2020.

2. Translated 22 lectures of NPTEL Mathematics Course into Marathi Language.


1. Warden, Girls Hostel, SRTM University.
2. Co-ordinator, Basic Facilities for Women Center, SRTM University
3. Member, GSCASH Cell, SRTM University

Honors /Awards received:
  1. Recipient of Associateship of The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai for three years since 2023. 
  2. Received Indian Mathematical Society’s (IMS) prize for the year 2017 for presenting best research paper at the 83rd Annual international conference of IMS held during 12 – 15 Dec 2017 at Sri Venketeshwara University Tirupati
Programs organized/attended:   
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised: 05
Seminars/conferences/Workshops attended:  36

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