Dr Ashish Bhiwajirao Gulwe Assistant Professor School of Technology S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Personal & Academic Information: | |
Date of Birth: | 4/10/1980 |
Qualification: | Ph.D |
Specialization: | Bioinformatics |
Teaching Experience: | PG: 08 |
Courses taught till date: | Bioinformatics, Chemoinformatics, Databases, Perl, RDBMS, Genomics, Proteomics,Plant Genomics |
Summary of Academic Career: |
I have Graduation B.Sc Agriculture from Vasantrao Naike Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Parbhani in 2001 I have completed my Masters in Science in Bioinformatics from Savitribai Phule University Of Pune Pune in 2005 I have Qualifide for CSIR NET Exam in 2005 I have completed my PhD in Bioinformatics, faculty of Science and Technology from Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwad University Nanded in Feb 2019 |
Thrust Areas of Research: | Structural Bioinformatics, Cancer Genomics and Proteomics, Kinase inhibition |
Research Publications: | Others : 06 |
Research Projects: | Completed : 01 |
Total Outlay : 01 | |
Resource Person: | |
Guest Lectures: | 01 |
Positions Held: | |
Academics: | BOS Invitee Memeber of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics SRTMUN, Paper settinig Committee, Paper assessment Committe, Purhchase Committe |
Honors /Awards received: | DBT fellowship during Msc Bioinformatics in the year 2003 |
Programs organized/attended: | |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc attended: | 14 |
Dr. Ashish Bhiwajirao Gulwe
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