Dr. SHIVAJI PRABHAKAR CHAVAN (Member of Scientific Team: 39th Indian Scientific |
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Personal & Academic Information: | |
Date of Birth: | 15 April 1967 |
Qualification: | M. Sc. (Zoology), B. Ed., Ph. D. (Zoology) |
Specialization: | Zoology (Ecology and Biology of Water Birds, Fishery Science) |
Teaching Experience: | UG: 17 |
PG: 17 Total Teaching Experience: 28 Years. | |
Courses taught till date: | Animal Taxonomy and Evolution, Fish Biology, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Medical and General Parasitology, General Entomology, Applied Entomology,Ecology and Animal Behaviour, Applied Zoology, Apiculture, Sericulture, Goat Farming, Animal Physiology, Invertebrate and Vertebrate Structure and Functions |
Summary of Academic Career: |
Joined the teaching Profession as Assistant Professor in Fishery Science in year 1993, then remained busy in mentoring and teaching activities for UG students at DSM.s College of Arts, Comm, and Science at Parbhani, Maharashtra. Till then I continued my research interests in various subjects. Initially I studied the Helminth taxonomy especially I studied the Fish tapeworms from Godavari River Basin and reviewed few genera of fish tapeworms. To learn the modern trends and basic methods in Helminth Systematics, SEM and TEM Microscopy I was at Institute of parasitology, Ceske, Budejovice, Czech Republic. In recent I get attracted towards the Ecology and Biology of Water Birds (Waders). Since 2012 I studied the nesting and breeding behavior of Yellow Wattled Lapwing, Painted Stork, River Tern. Anthropogenic activity stress on habitat use for nesting and breeding in River Tern, Black winged stilt, Golden Ring Plover. Feeding Behaviour of Painted Stork, habitat share and feeding in water birds. The avian diversity of Godavari river basin. Some interesting nesting patterns as Engineering of Colonial mud-nests of Wire tailed swallow. Diversity of nest materials in Passerines and reasons has also remained my curiosity. The creatures on this mother Earth follow the rules and orders of Nature. The abnormal and beyond natures speed of regulation of ecosystem processes the only creature challenging is human being, this is major worry for naturalists. Time has reached now to correlate every happening in the physical world and its process with anthropogenic activities. Conservation of bird species mainly by protection of habitat and related issues is my current research Interest. |
Thrust Areas of Research: | Ecology, Biology and Conservation of Water Birds, Anthropogenic activity disturbances on Birds. Migratory bird species of SE Asia Flyway. Breeding Ecology and Biology of South Polar Skua at Antarctica. |
Research Publications: | SCI : 10 |
SCOPUS : 10 | |
Web of Science : 15 | |
UGC : 20 | |
Conference Proceedings : 06 | |
Citations: | SCOPUS : 40 Google Scholar : 118 |
Paper Presentations: | 22 |
Research Guidance: | Ph.D. : Awarded - 6 Registered - 8 |
M.Phil. : Awarded - 7 | |
Research Projects: |
Completed : 04 Recent Project Completed: at ANTARCTICA (2019-2020). |
Total Outlay : 16 | |
Selected Publications: |
1.Shivaji Chavan and Arvind Kumbhar (2020). Breeding Ecology of River Tern (Sterna aurantia) at Ujjani-Bhigwan Reservoir Bird Sanctuary near Pune-Solapur Highway, India. Asian Journal Of Conservation Biology. 9 (2). 352-358. (Scopus Indexed). 4. František Moravec • S. P. Chavan, (2012) 83: 117-122 DOI: 10.1007/s11230-0129375-6 (Online), Female morphology of Philometra hyderabadensis Rasheed, 1963 (Nematoda: Philometridae), a little-known parasite of the catfish Wallago attu Bloch & Schneider in India, as revealed by SEM observations; Systematic Parasitology (Springer Journals.com) (SCI, TR IF. 1.086). Citations = 02. Researchgate.net. 5. Babare R. S., Chavan S. P. and Kannewad P. M.(2013): Gut Content analysis of Wallago attu and Mystus(Sperata) seenghala the common catfishes from Godavari river system in Maharashtra state. Adv. Biores. 4 (2): 123-128. Citations = 12. Academia .edu.
1. S. P. Chavan, S. D. Niture, M. S. Kadam (2008): Aquaculture and Aquarium keeping. Educational Publishers and Distributors, Aurangabad. M. S. PP 271. (ISBN: 978-81-906858-1-8). |
Resource Person: | |
Invited Talks: | International : 01 |
National : 50 | |
Guest Lectures: | 50 |
Chaired Sessions: | 12 |
Positions Held: | |
Academics: |
Member, BOS Zoology, SRTM University, Nanded.
Extension/Outreach Activities: | Awareness program for common people living in Filaria (Elephantasis) disease endemic area in Nanded district. |
Programs organized/attended: | |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc attended: | 85 |
Dr. Shivaji Prabhakar Chavan
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