Dr. Mrs. Yogini Satarkar

Dr. Yogini Satarkar
Assistant Professor
Department of English,
School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies
S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:  
Date of Birth: 10-Apr-80
Qualification: M.A. (English)., B. Lib. & I. Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D.
Specialization: Indian English Literature, American Literature, Indian Literature in English
Teaching Experience: PG: 10
Courses taught till date American Literature: Poetry and Drama, American Literature: Prose and Fiction, English Language Teaching, English Literature Teaching, Special Author: Jane Austen and Amitav Ghosh, Academic Writing, Indian Literature in English, Communication Skills, Soft Skills.
Summary of Academic Career

I have passed S.S.C and H.S.C. Examination with distinction from Aurangabad. I have received awards for being first in Marathi and Library Science at H.S.C. I have completed the "Library Training Certificate Course (LTC)" of Govt. of Maharashtr. I have completed my B.A. with English , Political Science and History. I obtained the degree of B.Lib & I.Sc.from Yashwantrao Chavhan Open University, Nasik with "O " grade and scored 81.50%. I am the recipient of Dr. S.G.Mahajan Award for being Merit first .
I have completed my post graduation in English and secured the position of being Merit First. I received T. Mallikarjun Award for the same. The area of my research is Indian English fiction and poetry. The topic of my doctoral research is "Diasporic Voices: A Study of Self, Culture and Society in the Post Independence Indian Fiction in English”.
I am a creative writer and critic. I have received 13 prestigious literary awards for my maiden poetry collection in Marathi ," Janiwanche Hirve Kombh" published by Continental Publications, Pune in 2015. I have participated in Akhil Bharatiya Marathi Sahitya Sammelan held at Varodara along other literary festivals. My poems are translated in English, Hindi, Gujrati and Bangali. I have participated as invited poet in "All India Women Writer's Meet" organized by Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi on 8th March 2019.

Thrust Areas of Research: Indian English Literature , Women's Literature, Poetry
  UGC : 4
Research Publications:  Others : 5
  Conference Proceedings : 4
Paper Presentations:  22
Book Publications: Books with ISBN   : 02
Research Guidance: Ph.D. :  Registered – 04, Awarded-01
M.Phil. :  Awarded -  04            
Selected Publications

1) The research paper entitled “Portrayal of Homelessness in Rohinton Mistry’s Fiction” is published in the book "Voices from Marginality in Literatures in English" published by Harnai Publication with the ISBN-978-81-909812-2-4 .
2) The research paper entitled “Representation of Nature in the Contemporary Indian English Fiction” is published in the International research journal LITSEARCH Volume II Issue No. I with the ISSN 2277-6990 .
3) The Research paper entitled “Finding the Room of their Own: The Struggle for Identity in the Autobiographies of Dalit Women” published in The Global Journal of English Language and Literature, an International Online Peer reviewed Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2014 with ISSN No.2320-4397, page no. 38-50.

Resource Person:  
Invited Talks:  International : 1
  National        : 3
  State Level    : 3
Guest Lectures:  3
Chaired Sessions:  4
Positions Held:  
Administration: Worked as the Warden for University Girls' Hostel of Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University for the academic years 2011-12 and 2012-13.
Honors /Awards received:

I have won 13 prestigious literary awards for my maiden Marathi poetry Collection "Janiwanche Hirve Kombh" published by Continental Publications, Pune in 2015.  The awards include the "Lokpatra Sanmman" in 2018 and  “Vishakha Award- 2016” (First)  given by Y.C.M.O.University and  Kusumagraj Pratishthan, Nasik on 26th  February 2017. The second is “Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Rajyastariy Puraskar”  by Vinodini Atmaram Jadhav Foundation, Vengurle on  28th  January 2017. The next is “Wasantrao Dandale Smruti Marathi Wangmay Puraskar” by Saad Bahuddeshiya Sanstha, Akola, 22nd January 2017.

“Smrutishesh Nathoba Raosaheb Dahiwal Puraskar” by Pariwartanwaadi Lekhak Sangh, Aurangabad is received on 6th January 2017. “Savitribai Joshi Smruti Puraskar ” is given by Jeevan Vikas Library, Aurangabad on 17th  December 2016 . “Vimaltai Deshmukh Smruti Samajik Kavy Puraskar”, by Kadwa Pratishthan, Dindori, Nasik and “Shanta Shelke Sahity Gaurav Puraskar”, by Kavayitri Shanta Shelke Pratishthan, Mancghar, Pune are given on  23rd  octover 2016. “Avinash Ogale Smruti Sahity Puraskar” of Belgum, Karnataka  on 1st October 2016 and “Rajyastariy meghdoot Puraskar”, by Kavi Kalidas Mandal, Barshi on 10th July 2016 are important recognitions.

The few others are  “Kaviwarya Narayan Surve Sahity Puraskar” by Padmashree Kaviwarya Narayan Surve Wachanalaya , Nasik  on 16th October 2015 and “Rajyastariy Sahitya Sadhana Puraskar” by  “Chala Kavitechya Banat ” Sahitya, Samajik ani Shaikshanik Chalwal, Udgir on 27th September 2015
Programs organized/attended:   
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised:   15
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops attended:   23

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