Dr Vijay Rajkumar Uttarwar

Dr Vijay Rajkumar Uttarwar

Assistant Professor

Commerce and management

S.R.T.M.University, Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:
Date of Birth:  8/15/1982
Qualification:  B. E. (Mech), M. B. A., UGC NET, Ph.D
Specialization:  Operations and Marketing
Teaching Experience: UG: 6
  PG: 12
Courses taught till date

Managerial Economics, Production and Operations Management, Product and Brand Management, Industrial Marketing, Financial Services, Financial Derivatives ( Futures and options), Productivity and Quality Management, Research Methodology, Rural Marketing, Retail Man

Summary of Academic Career

Started Academic career in Jan 2009 in S R T M University Nanded, my areas of intrest in teaching are Operations Management and Marketing Management. I have undergone specialised training in one of the most reputed institute IIM-K for two times 1 week per training. The subject Industrial Marketing is taught to the student as every lecture exposes them different job opportunities in the field. Besides that my interest are in valuation of Equity and futures and options.

I have published around 30 research papers in various Journals in the field of Commerce and Management, Delivered lectures in CRPF, UGC Academic Staff College and acted as resource person in national and international conference.

I have guided 1 student for M.Phil and presently 4 students are persuing Ph. D under my guidance.

I worked in research projects and acted as co investigator in 1 UGC MRP and 1principle Investigator in university funded MRP, presently I am working on Stress Managemen at various levels. I am working as Executive Body Member for Chinmay Mission Nanded and also helped few entrepreneurs in their start up ventures

Thrust Areas of Research: Marketing, Stress Management, Entrepreneurship
Research Publications:    UGC                                  : 24
Others                              : 13
Conference Proceedings : 13
Paper Presentations:  14
Research Guidance: Ph.D.   :  Awarded -    02            Registered - 02
M.Phil. :  Awarded -    01 
Research Projects:   Ongoing       : 01
Completed   : 
Total Outlay : 0.37
Resource Person:
Invited Talks:  International : 04
National         : 02
Guest Lectures:  15
Chaired Sessions:  02
Positions Held:
Corporate responsibilities: I am part of Chinmay Mission Nanded which is actively engaged in various social events
Programs organized/attended: 
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc attended:   22

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