Dr. Mrs. Vani Nikhil Laturkar

Prof. Vani Laturkar
School of Commerce and Management Sciences, 
S.R.T.M.University. Nanded – 431 606

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Personal & Academic Information:


Date of Birth:



M. B. A. (Finance), M.Com (H.R.), C.A. (Inter.),
Ph. D (Mgt.), SET(Commerce), NET-JRF (Management)
(throughout gold medalist with I rank)


Commerce and Management

Teaching Experience:

PG: 29

Courses taught till date

Organizational Behavior, Managerial Communication. Management of Creativity and Innovation, Human Resource Management, Business Ethics, Banking. Leadership and Change Management.

Summary of Academic Career:

Presently I am working as Senior Professor at School of Commerce and Management Science in Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra, India.

In addition, I worked as Dean/Associate Dean of Faculty of Commerce and Management Science for continuous ten years wherein the Faculty of Commerce and Faculty of Management Science where separate as per Maharashtra Universities Act 2014.

I served as Director of Institutional IQAC committee and RUSA (Rashtriya Ucchhatar Siksha Abhiyaan) Coordinator of university. I have contributed as Institutional NAAC Coordinator for this university with NAAC accreditation 'A' grade brought to this university in March 2015.

I hold a Ph. D in Management and research supervisor in commerce as well as management with 24 Ph. D and 11 M. Phil awarded till date.  

I was always topper of university as a student of Bachelor of Commerce, Master of Commerce and Master of Business Administration with 3 gold medals, 26 prizes and two scholarships to her credit in these programs.
With UKIERI (UK-India Education and Research Initiative) training of AICTE completed recently, I am the recipient of Fulbright Nehru Fellow Award of 2019 of U.S.A. under USIEF scheme.

I am also being trained under highly prestigious LEAP training of MHRD conducted by Tata Institute of Social sciences, Mumbai with University of Pennsylvania of U.S.A.

I was the recipient of best teacher award of SRTM University in 2017.

I am also the winner of Gurushreshtha award in Commerce faculty of 2023 of Institute of Company Secretary of India, New Delhi. 

I am the Peer Team Member of NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council – highest UGC body for accreditation process in India) and Member, State University Quality Assurance Cell, Ministry of Higher and Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra and a trained trainer for NAAC A & A under RUSA.

• Expert panel member, University Grants Commission, New Delhi for National Eligibility Test (NET) for subjects Commerce and Management.

• Expert member for Advisory Committee of UGC for College with Potential for Excellence. 

• Ex-Officer-on-special duty for Academic Planning and Development of university 2012-2013. The primary work included floating of various policies like IPR, Consultancy policy, Research semester scheme, research promotion scheme, Monetary incentive scheme to teachers, Employee welfare fund scheme, study centre proposals, etc. 

In addition, following membership are also the part of career:
• Member, Academic Council, This university.
• Member, Board of Examinations, This University
• Chairman, Board of Business Economics(BoS) SRTM University Nanded since, March 2018
• Member, RRC, Commerce and management, SRTM University, Nanded
• BoS member, Board of studies in Commercial and Mercantile Law,
• Board of studies in Business Economics, Board of studies in Accounts and Applied Statistics, BoS member, Board of studies in Business Studies, SRTM University, Nanded.
• Ex-member, Senate, SRTM University, Nanded.
• Member, Board of Research, This University.
• Member working committee for Herbo-medicinal centre RUSA, This university. 

Thrust Areas of Research:

Banking, HRM, Finance and Organizational psychology

Research Publications:  

Papers published in Journals:        54

Papers presented in Conferences: 90

Book Publications:

Book Chapters:     14

Books with ISBN:  02

Research Guidance:

Ph.D. Awarded: 24                  Registered: 08

M.Phil. Awarded: 11                

Research Projects: 

05 including one from ICSSR, New Delhi sponsored with an outlay of Rs. 6,82,600/- and other of Rs. 5,91,250/-

Selected Publications:

1. Analytical Study of Student's Indiscipline, New Frontiers of Education: An International Journal of Education, Vol. XXXIV, No. 2, April-June, 2004, p.158-160 (ISSN: 0972-1231).

2. Multiculturism Management for Reconciling The Differences, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences, Vol.2, No.3, March 2010, p.329-335(ISSN: 2076-7366).

3. The Pot-Pourri of OTC in Indian Pharmaceuticals Industry: The Speaking Facts, ELK Journal of Marketing and Retail Management, Vol.1 No.1, August 2010, pp.23-36 (ISSN: 0976-7196).

4. Excellent Managers- ready to enter the fourth wave of change, International Journal of Commerce and Business Management, Vol.3 issue 2, October 2010, p.308-313 (ISSN: 0974-2646).

5. Knowledge Management Practices in Indian Insurance Organizations, International Journal of Commerce & Business Management, Vol.4, No.2, Oct.2011, p.327-341(ISSN: 2249 – 7463).

6. Will retails tune into radio frequency with S-commerce? International Journal of Management Rivulet, Vol.No.2, Issue no.2, July-Dec.2011, P.110-122 (ISSN: 2229-6883).

7. Managing Corporate & Workforce Performance, JM International Journal of HR Review, Feb.2011, Vol.1, Issue 1, p.33-37(ISSN: 2230-9233).

8. Crafting Human Values in Management by promoting Marketing Aesthetics, International Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences, Vol. II, Issue2 (1), October 2012, p.45-47 (ISBN: 2249-7463).

9. Customer Service in selected Public and Private sector Banks- A case study of Marathwada region, International Journal of Business Management & Social Sciences, Vol. II, Issue2 (1), October 2012, p. 149-153(ISBN: 2249-7463).

10. Banks Fee-based policies as new-fangled way for escalating profitability arc, International Journal of Financial Management, Vol.2, Issue 2, May 2013, p.1-8 (ISSN 2319-491X).

11. Talent strategy imperative for business success, Global Journal of Management Research, Vol.2, No.1, p.92-102, January-March 2013, (ISSN 2278-0955).

12. Second line leadership –as an integrated function, Steward Business Review - international refereed journal, June 2014, p. 43-45 (ISSN 2320-9399).

13. Non-performing assets in India- footprints of willful default or genuine default” (first author) International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences, Vol. 7 Issue 11, November 2017, ISSN 2249-7382 (online) p.398- 404, impact factor 6.939.

14. Measuring Differences on CSR Activities, a Comparative Study
in India: A Case Study RIL v/s TCS (second author), Studies in Indian Place Names (UGC CARE Journal) ISSN 2394-3114 with Impact Factor 6.2 in March 2020 Issue.

15. Which system is winning the crown: UPI, Cards or Mobile wallets (first author), Educare: A multidisciplinary peer reviewed and referred journal, ISSN 2319-5282, Vol. IX, Number 1, Jan.-Dec 20, Page no. 197-202.

16. Scenario of Consumer Protection and awareness through Government Channels (second author), International Journal of Engineering and Management, ISSN 2395-5252, Vol.2 Issue 11, December 20202, p. no. 445-451.

17. The role of job motivation in raising the productivity of workers in the

Government Sector: An applied study on medical services employees at the

Republican Teaching Hospital in Sana’a, (second author), Journal of Namibian Studies, 36 S2 (2023): 1432-1463 ISSN: 2197-5523 (online). 

Resource Person:


Invited Talks:

National: 56                                       State: 28

Guest Lectures:


Chaired Sessions:


Positions Held:



Senior Professor & Head - Business economics, School of Commerce & Management Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, Maharashtra.

Post Graduate teacher in university department from 29 years.

Ex-Dean/ co-dean, Faculty of Management Studies November 2012 to March 2021, S. R. T. M. University, Nanded.

Ex-Director-IQAC, Institutional Steering Committee, SRTM University, Nanded.

Peer Team Member, National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India (NAAC) of UGC.

Ex Member, State Quality Assurance Cell (SLQAC), Ministry of Higher & Technical Education, Govt. of Maharashtra State.

Coordinator- RUSA, S. R. T. M. University, Nanded.

Subject Expert, UGC-NET, New Delhi for Commerce & Management subjects.

UGC Nominated expert for Advisory Board on College with Potential for Excellence of KJMJ Parbhani (MS).

BOS member – Cost and Works Accounting, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

RRC member, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Dr. Homi Bhabha State University, Mumbai.

Chairman, Board of Business Economics, BOS SRTMUN.

BOS Member, Business Administration, Dr. B. A. M. University, Aurangabad

Board Member, Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Maharashtra Higher Education Council, M.S. since 2020. 

Honors /Awards received:

Fulbright Nehru Educators Award 2019 Fellow of 2018-2019 for Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Seminar (IEAS) at USIEF, USA.

Awardee of Leadership for Academicians Programme (LEAP) of Tata Institute of Social Sciences in collaboration with Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania- MHRD scheme of Government of India 2019.

Best Teacher Award of S.R.T.M.U.N. Campus, 2017.

Best paper award in international conference on Modern issues in Management and Commerce organized by Department of Commerce, University of Mumbai Feb, 2011, 2012, 2016 and 2017.

Gurushreshtha Award in commerce faculty 2023 of Institute of Company Secretary of India along with a cash prize of Rs.50,000.

Programs organized/attended: 


Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Organized:

 26 (including two international)

Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Attended: 


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