Dr. Babasaheb Shivmurti Surwase

Dr Babasaheb Shivmurti Surwase
Professor and Head,
Dept of Botany, School of Life Sciences,
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University,
Nanded-431606, India. ( Mob – 91-9075829767)
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Personal & Academic Information:
Date of Birth: 12-Jan-71
Qualification: Ph.D.  (2000)-Life Science , Mumbai University, Mumbai ;  M.Sc.  (1994)-Botany with First Class, Shivaji University, Kolhapur; B.Sc.   (1992)-Botany with Distinction, Shivaji University, Kolhapur.
Specialization: Plant Biotechnology
Teaching Experience:  UG: 05
PG: 20
Courses taught till date: Cell Biology, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Physiology and Metabolism,
Pharmacognosy. Diversity of Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and
Summary of Academic Career:

I joined this Institute in 1999 as a Lecturer in School of Life Sciences. so far, I have published 25 research papers in national and international repute. I have also completed 08 Research projects funded by UGC, DST, NAEB, S and T Cell and SRTM University. At present two research projects are going on funded by RGSTC. Under my guidance, three Ph D and one M Phil students have been successfully awarded their degrees  and five more Ph D students are working.

Currently, I am working on tissue culture of medicinal and endemic and endangered plants. Micropropogation techniques, fast growing normal root culture, Hairy root culture technique for these plants is standardized in the laboratory. A Chemo and bio-activity profile for in-vitro produced secondary metabolites of value in medicine and pharmaceutical industries is developed. Apart from these, attempts are being done to develop the skills in local and forest dwelling communities for processing & value addition to the underutilized fruits and vegetables  into various products.

Teaching Experience:

UG :05

PG :20
Thrust Areas of Research: Plant Tissue Culture , Pharmacology, Plant Transformation, Molecular  markers and Food Technology
Research Publications:  SCI                                   : 24
SCOPUS                           : 17
UGC                                  : 24
Conference Proceedings : 01
Citations: SCOPUS :   71                         Google Scholar : 115
h-Index  06
i-10 index:  02
Paper Presentations: (Since 2014)
Research Guidance:  Ph.D.   :  Awarded -   05             Registered - 04
M.Phil. :  Awarded -   01
Research Projects:   

Ongoing       : 03

1. Principal Investigator of the major research project “Empowerment of
forest dwelling and local communities through promotion of forest
based micro and small enterprises in Marathwada” Funded by Rajiv
Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Government of
Maharashtra .
Duration : Three Years (2017 to 2021).
Total Budget : Rs 24.28 Lakhs.
Sanction Letter No F. No. RGSTC/File-2015/DPP-145/CR-28 dated
10th August 2017.
2. “A study on establishment of small scale Jambhool (Syzygium
cumini) fruit processing based enterprises in Nanded district of
Marathwada” Funded by SRTM University, Nanded under Rajiv
Gandhi Science and Technology Commission scheme
( As a Research Guide)
Duration : Two Years (2018 to 2020).
Total Budget : Rs 5.0 Lakhs.
Sanction Letter No :APDS/RGSTC/Proposal-ASTA/201718-19/1165
dated 30/08/2018
3. Maulana Azad National Fellowship Scheme for “In vitro propagation
studies on ……. ……………….. plant” funded by University Grants
Commission, New Delhi “
Ms Rehana Baig ( Rs 25000/ month JRF)
Duration : Five Years (2017 to 2022).

Completed   : 08

4. Principal Investigator of the major research project “Studies on
Vernonia anthelmintica ( L.) Willd. with reference
to……compounds” Sponsored by UGC, New Delhi.
Duration-2011-2014.( Rs 7.21 Lakhs).
Sanction Letter No F. No. 39-405/2010 (SR) dated 6th Jan 2011.
5. Coinvestigator of the major project entitled “Phytosociological studies
………L. ; an important NTFP of Maharashtra.” Sponsored by Rajiv
Gandhi Science and Technology Commission, Government of
Duration-2011-2014 ( Rs 18.67 Lakhs).
Sanction Letter No RGSTC/file-10/DPP-059/01 dated 16th March 2011.
6. Principal Investigator of the minor research project “RAPD markers
assisted cultivar identification………….a common NTFP of
Marathwada” Sponsored by Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
University, Vishnupuri, Nanded.
Duration: 2012-13( Rs 0.6 Lakh).
Sanction Letter No : APDS/Uni MRP-III/2011/2011-2012/3130 dated
19 th March 2012 .
7. Principal Investigator of the minor research project , “Study of the
status of Jatropha curcus plantations taken up on farmers land and its
contribution towards livelihood and others of Maharashtra state”
Sponsored by Regional Centre, National Aforestation and Ecodevelopment
Board, Mumbai, Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Govt of India.
Duration-2012-2013 ( Rs 1.5 Lakhs).
Sanction Letter No: AFC/RC:NAEB/MCP/12/1453 Dated 24th Sept
8. Principal Investigator of the minor research project , “Study on the
status and socio-economic relevance of NTFP components with
special reference to edible fruits, nuts, vegetables and mushrooms etc.
of the Thane / Pune district of Maharashtra sold by forest dwellers in
urban markets of the district and their conservation strategies”
Sponsored by Regional Centre, National Aforestation and Ecodevelopment
Board, Mumbai, Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Govt of India.
Duration-2011-2012 .( Rs 1.30 Lakhs).
Sanction Letter No: AFC/RC:NAEB/MCP/11/4127 Dated 21st Nov
9. Principal Investigator of the minor research project , “Study to elicit
the status and the resource of the area in promoting SMFEs in Dhule
and Nandurbar Districts of Maharashtra and to conduct Business
Development strategies and Investigation to ascertain viable activities
and required market linkages for the Same” Sponsored by Regional
Centre, National Aforestation and Eco-development Board, Mumbai,
Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt of India.
Duration-2010-2011 ( Rs 1.30 Lakhs).
Sanction Letter : AFC/RC:NAEB/PMK/10/3023 Dated 11th Nov 2010.
10. Co-investigator of major Research entitled ,”Screening of molecules
of plant origin as inhibitors of solid surface colonization by Candida
albicans”. Funded by the Department of Science and Technology,
Government of India.
Duration-2007-2010 ( Rs 19.93 Lakhs).
Sanction Letter : SR/SO/PS/2406 Dated 04th June 2007.
11. Co-investigator of major Research entitled “Pharmacognosy,
micropropagation and comparative cultivation studies on Taverniera
cuneifolia (Roth.) Arn. (folklore jesthimadha): a substitute for
commercial liquorice- Glycyrrhiza glabra”. Science and Technology
Cell , Govt. of Maharashtra .
Duration-2001-2004 ( Rs 06.51 Lakhs).
Sanction Letter : RST/1000/PN 39/2000/Vitank Dated 29th March

Total Outlay : 86.3 Lakhs
Selected Publications:  1. Tungenwar A G, Baig R S, Khan K Z and Surwase B S (2020)
Standardization of nursery technology in two endemic and endangered
species: Flemingia tuberosa Dalzell and Merremia rhyncorhiza Hallier.
Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal , 10 : 1-15.
2. Kure S.R., Tungenwar A.G., Ekambe P.S. and Surwase B.S. (2017) “In
vitro clonal propagation of Cyperus scariosus R. Br; an essential oil
yielding medicinal plant ” Res J. of Biotech. 12(8):17-21.
3. Priyadarshini S. Ekambe, Babasaheb S. Surwase, Arju P. Somkuwar,
Matsyagandha K. Patil (2016) In vivo anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic
potential of crude leaf extracts of Canthium coromandelicum (Burm. f.)
Alston. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature , 6 (3) :195 -
4. Kure S. R., Tungenwar A. G., Ekambe P. S. and Surwase B. S. (2016)
“Fungicidal Effect of Various Extracts of Chlorophytum borivilianum
(Sant. F.) on Different Aspergillus Species” Online International
Interdisciplinary Research Journal , 6 (2): 72-80.
5. Vijay C. Jamdhade, Tembhurne S.V., Suresh Kamble and Babasaheb
S. Surwase (2015) Gastroprotective and antioxidant potential of
methanolic root extract of Taverniera cuneifolia (Roth) Arn. Journal of
Biologically Active Products from Nature , 5 (2) :149 - 161.
6. Mulani R M , Solankar B M and Surwase B S (2014) Examining the
effect of seed size and weight on seed germination of S. anacardium: A
case study of Wadwani germplasm, Dist Nanded, Maharashtra. Journal
of Global Biosciences , 3(7) :1084-1088.


Resource Person:
Invited Talks:  National         : 01
State              : 02
Chaired Sessions:  02
Positions Held:
  1. A member of Board of Studies in Botany, Solapur University,
    Solapur from 21/12/2017 to 31/12/2019.
  2. A member of RRC in Botany, Solapur University, Solapur from
    06th March 2018 to 31/12/2019.
  3. Chairman, Board of Studies in Botany, SRTM University,
    Nanded from 13th March 2018-31st August 2022.
  4. A member of Board of Studies in Botany, SRTM University,
    Nanded from 2nd Feb 2018-31st August 2022.
  5. Coordinator, University Rajiv Gandhi Science and Technology
    Commission, Govt of Maharashtra Scheme, SRTM University,
    Nanded (23rd Sept 2017- 06th Jan 2020)
  6. A member of RRC in Botany, SRTM University, Nanded from
    23rd Jan 2019 to 31st Aug 20122 .
  7. A member of Academic Council, SRTM University, Nanded from
    13th March 2018-31st August 2022.
  8. A member of Lifelong Learning and Extension, SRTM University,
    Nanded (22nd March 2017-31st August 2022)
  9. A member of Doctoral Research Committe in Architecture,
    Science and Technology of YCM University , Nashik from Jan
    2018 to Jan 2020.
  10. A member of Board of Studies in Life Sciences, SRTM
    University, Nanded 06/08/2012 to 24/06/2015.
  11. A member of Board of Studies in Biotechnology, Model College
    of SRTM University, Nanded 02/08/2012 to 24/06/2015.
  12. Coordinator, IPR Cell, SRTM University, Nanded from 12/10/
    2018 to 20.02.2019.
  13. A member of Editorial Board of Online International
    Interdisciplinary Research Journal.
  1. PRESENT POSITION: Professor and Head, Dept of Botany,
    School of Life Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
    University, Vishnupuri, Nanded-431606 (MS), India since
  2. Worked as Professor and Head, Dept of Biotechnology, School
    of Life Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
    University, Vishnupuri, Nanded-431606 (MS) ) from 23/03/2017
    to 10/12/2017.
  3. Worked as Coordinator, M Sc Integrated Biotechnology Course ,
    School of Life Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada
    University, Vishnupuri, Nanded-431606 (MS) from June 2010 to
  4. Worked as Rector, University Campus Hostels, SRTM
    University, Nanded from 17/07/2013 to 14/09/ 2017.
  5. Worked as Secretary, Anti-ragging Cell, SRTM University,
    Nanded from Jan 2015 to Sept 2017.
  6. Worked as In Charge Director, Students’ Welfare, SRTM
    University from 30/06/2015 to 15/07/2015.
  7. Worked as Warden, Boys’ Hostel, SRTM University, Nanded
    during the years 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.
  8. Worked as School Coordinator, Coaching Scheme for
    SC/ST/OBC under XIIth UGC plan 2012-2017.
Honors /Awards received:
  1. Received BEST TEACHER AWARD from Swami Ramananad Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded for the year 2015.
  2. 1994-1997: Fellow of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, New Delhi for Tissue Culture Project.
  3. 1997-1998: Recipient of Mumbai University Research Grants.
  4. 1997-1999: Recipient of Pandit Bhagwandin Dubey and Mrs Ramdulari Dubey scholarship in Science of Mumbai University.
Programs organized/attended:  
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Organized:   08
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Attended:   42

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