DR NINA GOGATE This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
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Languages, while often used as weapons of division or exclusion, can become a way to bring people, who are geographically and culturally distant, virtually closer to one another. Learning a new language allows us to experience a new culture and a new way of looking at the world. At the same time, it offers us the opportunity, not only to have a glimpse of others' worlds, but also to look at our own world with new eyes. This is the principle guiding me in my role as a teacher of French language, literature and culture studies as well as in my role as a translator-interpreter and researcher. |
Academic Information: | |
Qualification: | B.A French, Ramnarain Ruia College, University of Mumbai, 2001 M.A. French (Sp. Translation And Interpretation), J.N.U., New Delhi, 2004 M.Phil In French, J.N.U., New Delhi, 2007-08 Ph.D. In French, J.N.U., New Delhi, 2013 NET-JRF FRENCH 2008 Diplôme de langue française (Alliance Française of Bombay), 2001 Diplôme de français des affaires I (CCIP, Paris and Alliance Française of Bombay), 2001 Diplôme de français des affaires II (CCIP, Paris and Alliance Française of Bombay), 2002 |
Specialization: | Translation Studies, Francophone Studies, FLE |
Teaching Experience: | UG: 09 |
PG: 08 | |
Courses taught till date | French Language Courses: Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diploma Courses in French P.G. Open Elective Courses, Dept of French: Introduction to French and Francophone Literatures (Translated Texts) (4 credits) French Cinema, French Art (4 credits) Intensive French - 1 & 2 (4 credits each), Extensive French - 1 to 4 (2 credits each) As guest lecturer for other departments on campus: Foreign Language 1 & 2 - French (M.B.A., M.Com and B.B.A., SCMS, SRTMUN) French 1 & 2 (M.A. English, SLLCS, SRTMUN) Feminist Thought and Feminist Theory (P.G. Interdisciplinary Diploma Course in Women’s Studies, WSC, SRTMUN) Legal Terrains: Gender Concerns (P.G. Interdisciplinary Diploma Course in Women’s Studies, WSC, SRTMUN) |
Summary of Academic Career |
With graduation in French Literature and post graduation, M.Phil and Ph.D in Translation Studies, Dr Nina Gogate is associated with various fields of study related to the French language, including Translation and Interpretation, Literature, Culture Studies, Linguistics and FLE. She is a teacher of French and Francophone Studies. She is also a practicing translator of both literary and technical texts as well as a trained consecutive and simultaneous interpreter. |
Thrust Areas of Research: | Translation Theory, Literary Translation, Translation from Regional Languages in to French, ICT and Foreign Language Learning |
Research Publications: | Articles in Research Journals: 02 |
Conference Proceedings : 01 | |
Translations published: | 03 (Short Stories) |
Paper Presentations: | 14 |
Invited Talks: | 02 (National) |
Chaired Sessions: | 02 (National) |
Positions Held: | |
Academics: |
Member, NAAC Core Team, SRTMUN |
Programs organized/attended: | |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organised: | 01 |
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops attended: | 18 Some important workshops/trainings attended: Participant of Workshop on Literary Translation organized by La Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 and University of Mumbai, 2019 Participant of ‘BELC, South Asia’ Teachers Training organized by IFI (Embassy of France) and University of Goa, 2017 Participant of the Translation Research Summer School (TRSS) conducted by the University of Manchester, University of Edinburgh and the University College, London at University of Manchester in June 2008. Selected for scholarship for the same. |
Dr. Nina Gogate
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