

MoU between Grameen Shramik Pratishthan and School of Management Sciences, S R T M University, Sub-Centre, Latur

Extension Activities:

i) Financially support and undertake Marketing (through MBA students) of hand made products generated by Blind trainees of a Blind and Handicap rehabilitation centre ‘SwadharShramikPratisthan’, Budhoda, near Latur during Diwalee festival time each year since 2012.

ii) For giving On Job Training Undertake selling & marketing through MBA students of Acupressure Massage Coupan operated by Blind trainees of a Blind and Handicap rehabilitation centre “Swadhar-Shramik Pratishthan”, Budhoda, near Latur for whole year.

iii) Best from Waste Activity by collecting used sarees from students, get converted in carpets through trainees of a Blind and Handicap rehabilitation centre ‘Swadhar-ShramikPratisthan’, Budhoda, near Latur. Carpets distributed to Orphanage home, old age home at Latur.

iv) Gardening practices during drought situation:The objective of this practice is to nurture plants in the sub-centre campus and develop the feeling of importance of water and Green Earth among students. The outcome of the activity is that plants of subcentre campus survived during severe drought situation and students get attached to the nature.

v) Election awareness campaign: Almost all students of School of Management Sciences are voters of this World’s largest democratic country. Election awareness campaign was conducted in the school for making students aware about election process and their rights. The activity helped in increasing voting percentage of students.

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